Simple and Easy Method to Add Notes to Tables in Latex with Overleaf

How to add notes to tables or figures in Latex

Adding notes to tables or graphs in Latex can be a useful way to provide additional information or context to your readers. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, Latex offers an excellent platform to create visually appealing and informative tables and graphs. However, adding notes to these tables and graphs can be a daunting task, especially for beginners who are unfamiliar with Latex syntax and packages.

Fortunately, this tutorial offers a straightforward and easy method to add notes to your tables and graphs using Latex with Overleaf. By following these simple steps, you can add notes to your tables and graphs with ease, without the need for advanced knowledge of Latex packages and syntax.

Watch the video tutorial

Summary of the procedure

Firstly, locate the "end table" command in your Latex code. After this, include the following command: "\begin{minipage}{length}". The minipage command allows you to create a small box under the table, where you can insert your notes. The "length" parameter specifies the size of this box. You can adjust this parameter by trial and error until you find the right size for your table.

Next, add your notes. I suggest using the command "\small" to adjust the font size of your text, and then typing in your notes. You can also add vertical space between the table and the notes using the command "\vspace{0.1cm}" (or any other desired amount of space).

To add horizontal lines between your table and notes, use the command "\hline". You can also add more vertical space after the line using the "\vspace" command again.

Lastly, if you want to add a second horizontal line, you can simply use the "\hline" command again.

Overall, this method is a simple and effective way to add notes to your tables and graphs in Latex with Overleaf. It requires minimal knowledge of packages and syntax, making it accessible even for beginners. As always, it's essential to experiment with different parameters to find what works best for your specific table or graph.

Code to copy and paste






\small  Notes: ***here write whatever you want to be under the table****



Some special notes..


It may take you some time to play around and find the right length, but I promise it won't be more than a minute!  You can try with decimals as well (i.e., 12.5cm / 11.25 cm, etc..)
